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Our highly trained escorts are available for numerous occasions, including but not limited too:

Closet Confidential is an escort service geared towards gay individuals who have not come out of the closet yet (AND want to keep it that way!). Our service allows you to participate in everyday social functions without exposing your sexuality. Think of our escorts as a "wingman" of sorts to get you through your  gathering. The purpose of this service is to have a  "beard" of sorts accompany to any event and act as your STRAIGHT partner. So if you've gotten tired of everyone (including mom) asking you when your bringing a special someone the next gathering, our service is perfect for you. 


What events should I hire an escort for?

“My escort Payton from Closet Confidential saved my job! My boss would definitely fire me if he found out I was gay!.”

“I hired an escort for a double date with my buddy. Not only did I actually have a good time but my buddy scored at the end of the night and I got all the credit! Thanks Closet Confidential!”

“With Closet Confidential, I was able to get through my first Thanksgiving dinner with my family in five years without my mother asking me about grandchildren.”

Corporate Functions
Family Functions
Double Dates

Our escorts have been thoroughly trained by our staff of gay men and woman to fit all of you needs. They have been coached on numerous things to avoid and redirects should they arise in conversation. They understand how important your privacy is and will do everything in their power to protect it. 

Your Privacy


In addition to our tradition escort services, we also offer licensed therapists to aid you in coming out to your friends, family, coworkers, etc. In addition to our therapists, our escorts also have received training to support you in this procedure, so you don't have to do it alone. 

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