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Your privacy is our number one concern. We realize that you are utilizing our service in order to keep sexuality hidden. 


We have taken many steps to insure your privacy such as confidentiality agreements, training of our staff by gay individuals, as well as a 100% money back guarantee if your secret were ever to be revealed. 


All of our clients and employees at Closet Confidential are subject to background checks to ensure the safety and comfort of both our guests and escorts. 

Privacy Agreement

In the unfortunate case that something happens during your time with our escort and your sexuality is called into question AND exposed you will not be charged for your session with that escort. Furthermore, Closet Confidential will offer to schedule a complimentary session with any one of our "Coming Out Coaches" of your choosing to help guide you through what is no doubt a difficult time. 

100% money-back guarante 

Our privacy agreement is a contract between you and your escort. Our privacy agreement states that neither you or your chosen escort is allowed to speak, post, write, or use any other forms of communication to say anything about you, your sexuality, or your time together. Having a legally binding contract allows you to feel safe with your choosing Closet Confidential. 



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